Wuthering Heights是这部经典之作的正确英文发音。每一个音节都充满了故事中的情感与冲突。例如,“他把她囚在呼啸山庄并折磨她,以发泄心头的怨愤”这句话,可以发音为:"He brought her to the Wuthering Heights and imprisoned her, torturing her as a means to vent his grievances."
1. Overview of Wuthering Heights in English
It is a tale of love and revenge. Heathcliff, an orphan from the streets of Liverpool, is adopted by Mr. Earnshaw of Wuthering Heights. He lives with Mr. Earnshaw's son Hindley and his daughter Cathy. While Hindley harbors hatred for Heathcliff, his sister Cathy takes to him.
After Earnshaw's demise, Hindley becomes the master of the house, treating Heathcliff like a mere farmer and insulting him. In the meantime, Cathy and Heathcliff develop a deep-rooted love for each other. Linton, the son of Thrushcross Grange, courts Cathy and visits her frequently.
Cathy, torn between her love for Linton and her feelings for Heathcliff, makes a choice to marry Linton, which angers Heathcliff and he leaves in anger. Upon his return, Heathcliff is accompanied by a substantial amount of wealth, obtained through various means including gambling which includes cheating Hindley out of his belongings. His actions are fueled by revenge, and he eventually marries Isabella, Linton's sister.
Cathy passes away after giving birth to little Catherine. Isabella, realizing the truth about Heathcliff, leaves him and dies after bearing a child, Linton Jr. Heathcliff then manipulates Linton Jr., urging him to fall in love with little Catherine. He even goes to the extent of forcing her marriage with his own son. Following this, he secures all of Linton's property and completes his revenge. Simultaneously, Cathy's presence haunts Heathcliff, leading him to spend days in his room, neglecting meals and sleep until he finally dies in despair and delirium.
"Wuthering Heights" is a work by Emily Brontë, one of the Brontë sisters from England. The novel depicts the story of Heathcliff, a Gypsy弃儿 who is taken in by the old master of the Heights after enduring humiliation and failed love attempts. He leaves in search of fortune and returns to seek revenge on the landlord Linton and his children who married his girlfriend Catherine.
The story is full of anti-oppression and strives for happiness斗争精神, always shrouded in a mysterious and intense romantic atmosphere. At first glance, it was seen as a天真幻想of a young female writer disconnected from reality but was later highly praised by critics and embraced by readers when considered against the backdrop of intense class struggle in the region and social phenomena in England. The film and television adaptations based on this novel have been popular for decades.
Reading Notes on Wuthering Heights
There are no absolute good or bad characters in this story; everyone experiences tragedy but is still forgivable. The novel’s intricate portrayal of love and revenge highlights the complexities of human emotions and the consequences of actions. The characters are layered and their motivations are understandable even if their actions are not always agreed upon. The story left me thinking about the nature of love, the consequences of hatred, and the choices we make in life that often have far-reaching effects on others.小说以呼啸山庄为背景,讲述主人公希斯克利夫与凯瑟琳的爱情故事。希斯克利夫和凯瑟琳从小一起长大,两人彼此相爱,但由于种种原因无法在一起。希斯克利夫为了报复凯瑟琳的背叛,展开了一系列激烈的复仇行动,最终导致了凯瑟琳和其他人的悲剧结局。小说通过复杂的情节和人物关系,展现了人性的复杂和残酷,揭示了社会的不公和压迫。小说也以独特的叙事手法和结构,展示了作者的文学才华和创新精神,成为了文学史上的一部经典之作。《呼啸山庄》也被改编成电影、电视剧、音乐剧等多种形式,并产生了许多衍生作品和灵感。重塑故事灵魂:希斯克利夫的逆袭之旅