

民风民俗 2023-05-19 20:41www.bnfh.cn民俗风情



命运,都是靠自己一步一步走出来的。要想得到赏识,先提高自己的能力;要想得到信任,先做个诚信的人;要想得到尊重,先学会自重。Destiny es out step by step on our on. If you ant to be appreciated, first improve your abilities. If you ant to be trusted, first be an honest person. If you ant to be respected, first learn to respect yourself.风景,因走过而美丽。

命运,因努力而精彩!日子,在忙忙碌碌中充实;生活,在粗茶淡饭中生香;人生,在坎坷挫折中历练。只要用心对待,每一个日子都是幸福!The scenery looks more beautiful just because you have ever passed by. Your fate ill bee onderful after you ork hard.Your days ill be full hen you live a busy life; Your life ill taste delicious even though you simply eat the humble homely fare; Life is experienced through rough setbacks. As long as you take your life seriously,every day should be a happy day!自己的命运自己掌握,自己的未来自己把握。

Your on destiny is up to you to control.Your on future is up to you to make.今天的位置,取决于昨天的选择!明天的命运,关乎于你今天怎么做!改变,从当下开始!Where you are today is determined by the choice you chose yesterday.Ho your fate ill be tomorro depends hat you are doing iconToday.to change, start right no!水再浑浊,只要长久沉淀,依然会分外清澈;人再愚钝,只要足够努力,一样可以改写命运,不要愤懑起点太低,那只是我们站立的原点,人生是一场漫长的竞赛,有些人笑在开始,有些人却赢在!No matter ho muddy the ater is, as long as it settles for a long time, it ill still be exceptionally clear; no matter ho dull people are, as long as they ork hard enough, they can rerite fate. Don’t be angry ith the starting point too lo. That is just the origin of our standing. Life is a long race. Some people laugh at the beginning, but some people in in the end!面对生活和工作中的各种考验,我们要用行动和努力来证明自己不比别人差。

让自己时刻保持一颗积极上进的心,让自己的心性保持平和,让自己通过不断努力尽量达到完美。不断激励自己鼓舞自己,坚信奋斗会改变命运,只要我们拥有健康的身体,始终保持善良的心灵,一定会拥有一个灿烂的人生!In the face of various tests in life and ork, e must use actions and efforts to prove that e are not inferior to others.Let us maintain a positive and motivated heart at all times, maintain peace of mind, and achieve perfection through continuous efforts. , Constantly motivate and inspire ourselves. Firmly believe that struggle ill change our destiny,as long as e have a healthy body and alays maintain a kind heart, e ill definitely have a splendid life!。

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