事无大小(No Task is too Small)
事无巨细(No Task is too Small)
An ancient saying goes: "To acplish great things, start ith small things." To achieve great suess, one should alays start ith the small things around him.
Those seemingly insignificant matters often reflect a person's true character. Responsible and attentive people pay attention to details and maintain the same attitude no matter the size of the task; people ho are careless and hasty often neglect details, or are driven by the impulse for quick suess and reards.
大事与小事相辅相成,平时不注意小事的积累,一旦遇到大事,也容易慌乱失措。 所以,对待小事也要细心,才能有能力应对大事。
Big and small matters are plementary to each other. Without paying attention to the aumulation of small details, one may easily feel overhelmed hen faced ith a challenge. Therefore, one should be meticulous in dealing ith small matters in order to be able to handle big matters.
Step by step, little by little, that is the best ay in this orld.
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